Echocardiographic training


Next training date: june 20th, 2017

In conjunction with Boerhaave refresher training (“nascholing”), the Fetal Heart Academy organizes an annual echocardiography training.

The training consists of explaining anatomy using anatomic specimen. During a hands-on anatomic lab session, specimen can be viewed independently, with of course ample opportunity for questions.

The second part focuses on the various congenital heart defects. Anatomy and fetal echo imagery are the main topics, but prognosis and operative options are also looked into.

During lunch, hands-on echo sessions are held in small groups, to practice all of the echo pointers received.

This training is suited for gynaecologists and ultrasonographers who have attained at least SEO-level. For information and enrollment, contact
Please contact them only for matters regarding the training program, as they will not be able to answer other questions.